Images on are either our own or somebody else’s.
What is what?
All our own images on are subject to a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. Follow the link for a simple explanation of what that means. Click here to understand what that means. In order to attribute to us, you can just write: Image
Other images are either in the public domain / publicly available or subject the owner’s license.
How do I tell the difference?
Our own images and images in the public domain are typically not linked.
Images subject to a license are linked to the licensor.
Just drop us a note if something isn’t clear.
Something’s wrong
It can happen that an image is incorrectly linked. Sorry for that. Let us know and we’ll fix the issue right away.
Understood and now I’d like to use one of your images
Great! If you’d like, let us know where and how you’d like to use the image. I’d appreciate that a lot.